Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sheer Perfection!

TODAY'S BIG STORY:  Sheer Perfection!  For the past several weeks, the weather in the South has been sheer perfection.  We have had a few stormy exceptions, but most days are sheer perfection ~ blue skies, mild temperatures and cool breezes.  The weather has made me an active gardener, a spring cleaner and a lazy blogger!  I could hardly believe that my last blog was February 16th! I am almost sure that it has been  just as many days since I have held my laptop.  I have held a rake and a paint brush and a camera...but I have been off the online grid for weeks!

One afternoon, I was sitting in my reading chair in front of two open windows.  I kept trying to focus on the book I was reading; however, I was so distracted by the sheer curtains blowing in the breeze.  I finally closed the book and decided to take pictures of the billowy curtains ~ the movement, the light, the shadows. Two hours and four hundred pictures later, I forced myself to stop!  I know that you are probably thinking, "This woman needs to get a life!"  I can't explain it, but the combination of the light and the wind and the swirling curtains was therapeutic! As I clicked away, I felt almost trance-like, as though I were in a meditative state of mind...thus the title, Sheer Perfection.

I noticed some glass hurricane globes that had been in the windows since Christmas, and I began to appreciate how the light and shadows were manipulating the glass images onto the curtains.  Then I started taking pictures of the actual clear glass, as I noticed repetetive patterns and textured mosaics.

When I was growing up, my grandmother had a sleeping porch.  Two full size beds were located in the large room, along with a couch, a chifferobe (as Grandma called it), a television, and I think a washer/dryer...maybe just a washing machine.  (She had a long clothesline the length of the house times two.)  The sleeping porch was actually a walled-in part of the house.  To come into the room, you either walked down a dog trot hallway from the front door or you climbed about twenty steps up to the back door of the sleeping porch, which was elevated high off the ground. We slept in those beds year round, but during the spring and fall, we would "let up" the windows.  Grandma couldn't afford expensive curtains, and the ones she had were pretty thread bare; however, when that cool breeze blew across our beds at night, there was nothing even remotely comparable to that feeling of privilege.  Sheer Perfection!
Of course, Riley thought all this talk of curtains blowing in the breeze was much ado about nothing. Still, the cool breeze had the same effect on him that it had on me as young girl.  After about thirty minutes, he was sound asleep.

So when people ask me why I haven't been blogging for the last month, I can truthfully say that I have been "shooting the breeze." Sheer Perfection!

Dianne ; )

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