Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day, the Widows and a Birthday Girl

Today is my daughter's birthday. Because Katie is my most devoted follower on this blog...this special two-in-one-day blog is for her.

Mother's Day was Sunday. Katie and Matt had already gone back to school, because Katie's summer classes started on Monday morning. We had celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday with a cake, cookout and corn-on-the-cob (which by the way was mouthwatering). Aimee had planned to come home for Mother's Day, but couldn't get away. So, I spent Sunday with my 78-year-old mother.

As part of a "in case I can't get there" plan, Aimee bought my mother and me a card. She wanted us to open them at the same time and read them together, which we did. Mom's was addressed to the say anything, laugh at anything coolest grandmother ever, and inside the card was a personal handwritten note from Aimee that made us both cry.

When it was my turn to open my card, I was already pretty sentimental. Of course, all my kids know how much I love good quotes. The front of the my card featured a quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes: Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

Inside the card was a simple message: There's no place like home, and there's no mom like you. And there was my handwritten message from Aimee: As I grow older, I look back at all the places we have called "home." What I have always loved the most about you (well one of the things) is that you have had the ability to make your family feel at "home" just being around you. I hope I am at your "home" on this Mother's Day; but if I am not, please know how much I miss that "home" feeling that I get from being around you. Also know that no matter where I am, there is no place like home (aka Mom).

I love the quote on the front of this card, because it speaks to the exact way I have always felt about our family. So, if we are apart today, please know that I will be missing my Mom because she is where my heart (and my home) is. I love you, Aimee

On the Monday after Mother's Day, I hosted a luncheon for the widows of our church. The theme for the program was "Time for Sharing", and we shared gourmet cupcakes, fresh-squeezed lemonade and delectable stories. One of the ladies shared a memory of her mother. She said, "We all think of the special events in our lives when mothers seem so important; but, my best memories of my mother were in the kitchen - cooking, laughing and learning about life. I think if you associate your memories of your mother with everyday living and not so much with special days or something important, then you realize how important all those simple days together really were."

By this time, most of the ladies at the table were in tears; however, we all agreed that Mrs. Ann was right. So, today, the tables are turned, and I can't be with Katie for her "special" day. Still, I can remember all those "everyday" days we have spent together in our pajamas with no makeup, pigging-out on whatever we could find in the cabinets or refrigerator, and watching back to back episodes of Oprah and Nate.

And somehow, I feel like she is right here at "home" with me.

Happy Birthday Katie!

Mom ; )

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ms Diane, I am not a cryer, but this blog touched my heart so that tears remained in my eyes making it difficult to read. I so know the feeling of "home" and I sooo miss it. But I will continue to apply the lovely memories of my grandmother to my everyday life. Thanks for this blog. You are one of the BEST!!!! Can't wait to see you again, take care, Vickie (aimee's friend)...
